Thyroid Eye Disease

Ever wondered why your eyes are swelling up? It’s possibly Thyroid Eye Disease or TED which can cause severe problems like light sensitivity and impaired vision! To know more read our blog.

What is TED?

TED or simply “Thyroid Eye Disease” is a condition when patients with existing thyroid complications develop an eye condition wherein the immune system attacks the muscles and other tissues around the eyes.

Such inflammation can cause the eyeballs to bulge out from their sockets and in rare conditions can lead to severe loss of vision. This condition has several names such as:-

  • Graves’ Ophthalmology
  • Thyroid associated orbitopathy
  • Graves orbitopathy

Can I develop TED?

Patients with existing conditions such as “Hashimoto disease”, occasionally tend to develop Thyroid Eye Disease, although it is often seen in conjunction with Graves’ disease wherein oneImagein three patients develop a mild form and very few develop a severe condition.

If you are a heavy smoker, the chances of you developing this condition increases significantly as it is associated with worsening the symptoms like:-

  • Difficulty moving the eyes
  • Impaired Vision
  • Dryness/Itching/Swelling
  • Bloodshot Eyes
  • Light Sensitivity

Diagnosis and Treatment

If you feel any of the above symptoms, it’s best to get tested with a CT scan or an MRI scan to detect swelling of the tissues behind the eye. Medication for the above in case of a mild condition would be to instill eye drops a few times a day and avoid direct bright light until the expert advises it’s safe.

Patients with TED are advised to wear sunglasses during the day and elevate the headrest of your bed to relieve any pressure or swelling.

Worried about our health status? Look no further and speak to our health experts at Apollo Diagnostics to know how you can avoid severe complications like TED!

To book an appointment call +91 9205686687 or visit

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